공지사항 하위 메뉴
제목 | Principal Investigators for the Korea Brain Research Institute | ||
부서 | 경영지원팀 | 등록일자 | 2013-06-18 |
첨부파일 | |||
Principal Investigators for the Korea Brain Research Institute
The Korea Brain Research Institute (KBRI) is soliciting applications for full-time PI-level researchers in the area of brain research, neuroscience, and neuroengineering. The Institute is set to employ multidisciplinary approaches to study the mammalian brain.
KBRI has two available categories for PIs: (senior) group leader (6 or more group members) and junior group leader (less than 4 group members). The salary of all group members will be supported by KBRI. The successful candidates should hold either a PhD, MD, or MD/PhD associated to the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and/or the medical fields. These positions will be appointed at a salary commensurate with individual qualifications that will be highly competitive any‘where‘ around the world. KBRI will be equipped with state-of-the-art research (core) facilities and KBRI will provide PIs with sufficient internal grant. KBRI PIs will be able to apply for external funding globally and, in addition, seek joint appointment at various Korean or foreign research universities if the candidate is interested in teaching and mentoring students. South Korean nationals as well as foreign applicants are all encouraged to apply. Review of applications will begin 01 September 2013 and will remain open until all positions are filled. In addition to above mentioned salary, research money and researchers successful candidates will be offered a highly competitive compensation package including fifty percent reduction of income tax for two years, one-bedroom guest house, national pension, health insurance, occupational health and safety insurance, accident insurance, voluntary savings plans, and more. Please submit a cover letter, a curriculum vita (listing only published or accepted papers), (up to) three relevant reprints, a two-page research statement, and a list of three (or more) references. The application cover letter should be addressed to the President of KBRI, Dr. Yoo-Hun Suh, MD/PhD. Please apply online by e-mail to yhsuh@kbri.re.kr. and cc to recruit@kbri.re.kr The newly established Korea Brain Research Institute is located in Daegu, the third largest city in S. Korea with 2.5 million residents, which offers a unique opportunity to biomedical researchers as it has been designated to host the next generation medical facilities and hospitals by the Korean Government. KBRI's main research building will be located in the heart of Daegu, which has its own subway and well-established transit systems. The time distance via speed rail (KTX) between Daegu and Seoul (the capital of Korea) is approximately 2 hours, which is identical to the time distance between New York City and Philadelphia.
Please contact us if you have more questions.
Office : +82-70-4496-3280 / E-mail : birda17@kbri.re.kr |
윗글 | 2013년 한국뇌연구원 PI 연구원 채용 공고 |
아랫글 | [세미나] 2013년 제1회 국제전문가 초청 세미나 개최 (2013.06.11) |
- 자료 담당자 :
- 정보보안팀 최원영 Tel. 053-980-8249