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대외협력 국외지도 이미지 브라질 미국 호주 일본 독일 프랑스 네델란드 이탈리아 영국 몽골
국외 검색
No Institution Country Date Signed Duration Contents
20 REACT Neuro, 칠곡경북대학교병원 미국 2023-09-21 5년 공동연구 파트너십 구축, 연구자 교류
19 교토대학교(MOU아님, 단순 협력) 2023-07-20
18 몽골 뇌정신건강연구소 2022-08-12
17 University of Bologna Italy 2019-11-25 5 years Student and Research Exchange
16 Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences Mongolia 2019-09-06 5 years Student Education and Research Exchange
15 Kings College London United Kingdom 2019-08-13 5 years Sharing the latest brain research trends
14 Korea Institute of Science and Technology Brain Science Institute, Korea Brain Research Institute, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Department of Biological Science, Max Planck Institute for Korea, Germany, Austria 2019-06-19 5 years Promoting Brain Research
13 Mongolian Neuroscience Society Mongolia 2018-02-01 5 years Manpower Exchange, Joint Project Implementation, Academic Cooperaton, etc.
12 University of Sri Jayewardenepura Sri Lanka 2017-08-07 5 years Research Exchange & Academic Cooperation between Brain Bank
11 Kansei Fukushi Research Institute in Tohoku Fukushi Univ. & Melbourne Univ. (domestic 8 & abroad 2, 10 institutions in total) Japan, Australia 2017-05-24 continuous Developing Neuroscience Research in Incheon and holding International Neuroscience Symposium
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