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논문 검색
  • [주관련자]김희진

    [역할]제1 저자

    [저자]Kim, H.J, Chang, K.A, Ha, T.Y, Kim, J, Ha, S, Shin, K.Y, Moon, C, Nacken, W, Kim, H.S. & Suh, Y.H.

    [논문명]S100A9 Knockout Decreases the Memory Impairment and Neuropathology in Crossbreed Mice of Tg2576 and S100A9 Knockout Mice Model

    [게제지]PLoS ONE
    [연도, 권(호):쪽]2014, 9, (2)

  • [주관련자]김희진


    [저자]Kim, H.J, Shin, K.Y, Chang, K.A, Ahn, S, Choi, H.S, Kim, H.S. & Suh, Y.H.

    [논문명]Dehydroevodiamine·HCL Improves Stress-Induced Memory Impairments and Depression Like Behavior in Rats

    [게제지]Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
    [연도, 권(호):쪽]2014, 18:-59

  • [주관련자]이신려

    [역할]제 1저자

    [저자]Lee. S., Jha, MK. & Suk. K.

    [논문명]Lipocalin-2 in the Inflammatory Activation of Brain Astrocytes

    [게제지]Neuro-degenerative Disease
    [연도, 권(호):쪽]2014, 35, (1)

  • [주관련자]김희진

    [역할]제1 저자

    [저자]Chang, K.A., Kim, H.J., Joo, Y., Ha, S., & Suh, Y.H.

    [논문명]The therapeutic effects of human adipose-drived stem cells in Alzheimer's disease mouse models

    [게제지]Neuro-degenerative Disease
    [연도, 권(호):쪽]2013, 13, (2-3)

  • [주관련자]하창만

    [역할]제 1저자

    [저자]Ha, C.M., Hwang, E.M., Kim, E., Lee, da, Y,, Chang, S., Lee, B.J., Hong, S.G., & Park, J.Y.

    [논문명]The molecular mechanism of NELL2 movement and secretion in hippocampal progenitor HiB5 cells

    [게제지]Molecules and Cells
    [연도, 권(호):쪽]2013, 36, (6)

  • [주관련자]이계주

    [역할]제1 저자

    [저자]Lee, K.J., Park, I.S., Kim, H., Greenough, WT., Pak, DT., & Rhyu, IJ.

    [논문명]Motor skill training induces coordinated strengthening and weakening between neighboring synapses

    [게제지]Journal of Neuroscience
    [연도, 권(호):쪽]2013, 33, (23)

  • [주관련자]허향숙


    [저자]Megill, A., Lee, T., DiBattista, AM., Song, JM., Spitzer, MH., Rubinshtein, M., Habib, LK., Capule, CC., Mayer, M., Turner, RS., Kirkwood, A., Yang, J., Pak, D.T., Lee, H.K. & Hoe, H.S.

    [논문명]A tetra(ethylene glycol)derivative of benzothiazole aniline enhances Ras-mediated spinogenesis

    [게제지]A tetra(ethylene glycol)derivative of benzothiazole aniline enhances Ras-mediated spinogenesis
    [연도, 권(호):쪽]2013, 33, (22)

  • [주관련자]허향숙


    [저자]Sohn, Y.I., Lee, N.J., Chung, A., Saavedra, J.M., Scott, Turner, R., Pak, D.T., & Hoe, H.S.

    [논문명]Antihypertensive drug Valsartan promotes dendritic spine density by altering AMPA receptor trafficking

    [게제지]Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
    [연도, 권(호):쪽]2013, 439,(4)

  • [주관련자]최희순


    [저자]Jang, A., Liew, H., Kim, Y.M., Choi, H.S., Kim, S., Lee, S.H., Ohshima, T., Mikoshiba, K. & Suh, Y.H.

    [논문명]p35 deficiency accelerates HMGB-1-mediated neuronal death in the early stahes of an Alzheimer's disease mouse model

    [게제지]Current Alzheimer Research
    [연도, 권(호):쪽]2013, 10(8)

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